Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Faux Food Part 3

If you read the first two parts of Faux Food, you know that my intent was to help others understand why our food is filled with so many dangerous chemicals, including pesticides, artificial sweeteners and flavors, preservatives, and food coloring/dyes. The previous posts discussed the Toxic Substances and Control Act of 1976 and the Food Additives Amendment of 1958. Together, these laws are the foundation on which the chemical and food additive approval process are built on. And this foundation is no better than building a house on quicksand. It basically allows chemical companies to approve their own products. The EPA and FDA are seemingly window dressing.


This is the final part of the series and my intent is to discuss the reason why the system exists as it does. It is because we allow it. It's as simple as that. We continue to buy these products with reckless abandon- fat-free cookies, diet soda, frozen pizza, fast food whatever. It's all garbage filled with dangerous chemicals yet we keep shoving it down our throats and lining the food and chemical companies' pockets. If they keep making money from refined/processed foods by pumping them with cheap ingredients, they are going to keep producing them. It's simple self interest and economics. They are going to do what makes them money. We need to take the profit out of these chemical experiments masquerading as food by making healthier food choices.


We have also let the government and politicians run amuck. Some of us have put too much trust in the government and politicians to protect us while others are so disgusted with the process that they don't bother paying attention anymore. Neither strategy works. We've left our politicians unchecked and they've traded their power for money from the food lobby. They don't work for us anymore. American citizens have let that happen. We need to demand changes to the processes that are not protecting us from poison in our food supply. We need to pay attention to what are politicians are voting for and against, and vote for or against them based on how well they are representing our needs, not those of the food manufacturers. We are being poisoned and the average American is allowing it to happen. It's up to each and every one of us to take action to end this corrupt system.



BIO: I am a researcher and the author of They Put That In My Food? ( My aim is to increase awareness surrounding the dangerous chemicals and additives in our food supply in order to help others eat a healthier and cleaner diet.

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