Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Paleo Diet

A friend had mentioned to me that he was on the Paleo Diet. I usually groan and change the subject when the topic of a trendy, new diet comes up, being that I've tried many of these, none with lasting results. However, after learning more about the Paleo or Caveman Diet, I realized that I was already eating something very close to it. I recommend learning more about it and that you consider trying it.

The purpose of the Paleo Diet is to take eaters back to the natural diet of our ancestors before grains, added sugar, artificial preservatives and sweeteners, pesticides, and genetically-modified organisms were loaded into or onto our foods, and gluten and dairy intolerances were nonexistent.

 Here are the main components:


Organic fruits, vegetables, and tubers like sweet potatoes. These foods should make up your carbohydrate nutrition.

Grass-fed and organic meat and poultry, along with wild fish, should be the main protein sources.

Nuts, seeds, and oils are to be eaten in moderation.


Processed foods, which are loaded with added sugar, sodium, fat, and other dangerous food additives.
All grains and legumes. These contain phytic acid, which binds to nutrients in food and prevents absorption, meaning you are not getting the nutrients you think you are. 

Dairy. It is not natural for a human being to drink the milk of another animal, particularly into adulthood.

I hope you give it a try for at least a month and see how much your energy increases. If you shoot for 40% of your calories from both carbs and protein, it can also help you lose weight.

Monday, September 1, 2014

A Letter From An Allergy Mom

As a parent of a child with allergies, I can certainly relate to this article. Someone's allergies are never to be underestimated. Some nut allergies can be triggered through the air without even ingesting the food. Direct your frustration at those companies growing and selling GMO products, not at the kid with allergies. We've used sunflower seed butter instead of peanut butter for years and the kids love it.